New—and Old—Stuff

PATC at Skyland (1935)

For most, a new year begins on January 1st. Not so for trail people! Our new year begins with each new spring season—which marks the time we can get back to our favorite avocation…

Trail Maintenance!

What About 2013?

Congratulations & Thanks! You provided over 2,590 hours of volunteer service to hikers, backpackers, and Shenandoah National Park last year!

So, what’s new for us in the South District of Shenandoah National Park?

Simmons Gap Tool Cache

Most of you—the PATC trail overseers in the South District—know that our major tools cache at the Simmons Gap Ranger Station was significantly upgraded last year, thanks to the Park and especially its southern NPS Trail Crew, led by Steve Printz.

Thanks to Steve Bair, our South District Blue-Blaze Trail District Manager, and PATC, you have some new equipment at the Simmons Gap tools cache to help you maintain the tools you use to maintain your trail sections. For instance…

New Grinder

As Mark Gatewood, our South District Co-District Manager & Crew Leader, shows, you can sharpen dulled edges on Pulaskis, for example, using our new grinder.

Mark uses the new Grinder

New Vise

Mark also demonstrates the use of the new tool vise Steve obtained and installed in the Simmons Gap tools cache.

Mark uses the new Vise

There are a variety of PATC-owned trail tools and accessories available here that supplement those we have at our disposal at the Rockfish Gap tools cache.

Trails Management Workshop

We enjoyed a great time at our South District Trails Management Workshop in May. This year, we again concentrated on practical trail and treadway management tasks and the tools we use to accomplish them. I strongly suggest that you should participate in our workshop—even if you participated in other trail workshops. Each of us can learn more and, equally important, we can use this to enjoy time with our fellow compatriots.

Workshop participants at the Brown Mountain Overlook
Diesel Bob demonstrates power tool maintenance at Simmons Gap
Participants quickly learned the usefulness of the Mcleod tool
Participants regrade the Brown Mountain Trail
Another 50 feet; another waterbar
Hard work done well is evidenced on the Brown Mountain Trail
Participants learn how to safely and efficiently use the cross cut saw
Brush cutting is essential to trail maintenance.
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It Is THAT Time (Again)

One major job of a volunteer leader, and that of a trail District Manager especially, is to make the Almost Totally Unnecessary Reminder:

There Are NO More Blizzards in our weather forecast. Time To Visit Your Trail Section!

There…I feel so much better! Oh, yes:

Report Your Work!

Unfortunately, no job is complete until the paperwork is done.


Be Safe out there and HAVE FUN!

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