Files regarding natural resource management in Shenandoah National Park.
Use this form to report an incident involving an aggressive black bear in Shenandoah National Park to Park authorities.
Shenandoah National Park issued this Natural Resources Activity Notice in conjunction with the updated Bear Incident Report form to inform Park visitors of the scope and level of activities implemented to control “nuisance” wildlife.
Published in 2005, this Fact Sheet describes exotic plant control activity by Shenandoah National Park.
Due to a recent incident where a bear tried to obtain a backpack inside a tent in a camping site at the Blackrock Hut/Shelter off of the Appalachian Trail between Blackrock Summit Parking Area and Blackrock Gap, Shenandoah National Park has temporarily closed the eight designated campsites surrounding the shelter to overnight camping to minimize the potential for human-bear conflicts.