PATC, ATC, and the Appalachian Trail Park Office of the NPS had planned and worked toward relocating the A.T. north out of Beagle Gap over the summit of Little Calf Mountain for 20+ years. The Club began this work in earnest in 2010, following our project to relocate a 0.5 mile section of the A.T. on Big Calf Mountain. First, of course, were the several scouting trips to find the best possible route.outside of the 500' easement for Skyline Drive held by Shenandoah National Park. Mark, Robin, Randy, and Mike worked primarily on that in the fall of 2010 and early spring of 2011. Beginning in March of 2011 after we received ATC approval of our route, we called for help and advertised work trips for each month through 2012 — except for November, December, January, and February. On average, 25 Club & Chapter members and others participated in each work trip. This gallery shows but a few of those who gave their time and effort to accomplish the job.