Trail Workshops

2014 Trails Management Workshop

Fifteen women and men who had no experience with trail maintenance, volunteered to learn the skills required during our 2014 Trails Management Workshop. Steve Bair, district manager for Blue-blazed side trails in the SNP South District, organized the field project on the upper stretch of the Brown Mountain Trail and led discussions of SNP trails standards and policy. Mark Gatewood, A.T. co-district manager, setup the individual skills workshops (clearing, brushing, tools use). Mary Jorgenson served as chef and camp coordinator for the crew at the Schairer Trail Center. No complaints came from anyone; all learned and appreciated the work and the camaraderie they experienced.

Workshop participants at the Brown Mountain Overlook
Diesel Bob demonstrates power tool maintenance at Simmons Gap
Participants quickly learned the usefulness of the Mcleod tool
Participants regrade the Brown Mountain Trail
Another 50 feet; another waterbar
Hard work done well is evidenced on the Brown Mountain Trail
Participants learn how to safely and efficiently use the cross cut saw
Brush cutting is essential to trail maintenance.
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