Kevin A. Williams
2017 Hawksbill Award
We are proud to recognize Kevin A. Williams as recipient of the 2017 PATC Hawksbill Award for his outstanding commitment and stewardship supporting the Appalachian Trail in the South District of Shenandoah National Park.
Kevin joined the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club in 2017 and immediately volunteered to maintain the trail between McCormick Gap and Beagle Gap across Bear Den Mountain. From the perspective of the hiker, this is not a particularly rough section. However, for the person who maintains the same section, it is another matter. Over 50% of the A.T. in this section lies in essentially open meadow and the ascents from Skyline Drive to both the north and south summits exceed 25%.
This year, Harry has devoted over 60 hours of his time maintaining his assigned trail section. Actually, he spent his first three worktrips re-opening the trail section. “Weedy” does not come close to describing the thick jungle-like meadow that grows under sun, rain, or drought in this section. Kevin took over from another member who found he had no time to contribute. Kevin has been on his section over 10 times since June of this year, often with a family member.
Kevin is also an outstanding ambassador to hikers, backpackers, and casual Park visitors for both the PATC and Shenandoah National Park.
It is our honor to recognize Kevin for his outstanding work and commitment.